Drake Law School has adopted the following learning outcomes.
1. Knowledge, Analysis and Problem Solving – Students will acquire broad knowledge of substantive and procedural law. Students will identify relevant legal issues and understand, interpret, and apply statutes, case law, and, where applicable, policy. They will engage in critical thinking to predict outcomes and recommend appropriate action.
2. Communication – Students will communicate ethically, effectively, and efficiently with individuals and groups.
3. Lawyer Practice Skills – Students will demonstrate the professional skills needed for competent participation as a member of the legal profession. These skills can include any of the following: interviewing, document drafting, negotiation, conflict resolution, counseling, pre-trial preparation, fact development and analysis, oral advocacy, trial representation, appellate advocacy, or organization and management of legal work.
4. Legal Research – Students will identify the major primary and secondary legal sources print or online; understand the appropriate use of each; and independently locate, analyze, and organize relevant resources that support the resolution of a given legal question.
5. Professionalism and Ethics – Students will identify ethical concerns in a variety of situations, determine the applicable Rules of Professional Responsibility, and apply the rules to ensure compliance with all professional and ethical standards.
Questions? Contact the Office of Admission and Financial Aid at 515-271-2782 or law-admit@dandick.net.